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Wheat GK Quiz for Competitive Exams: Agriculture General Knowledge Wheat Production in India. Ideal climate, soil, harvesting and production conditions of Wheat grain. General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers on the Cultivation of Wheat in India. General awareness and general study about wheat cultivation and wheat production in India. Production-wise wheat growing countries in the world.

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About: Wheat (गेहूँ) is the main cereal Rabi crop of India. The total cultivation area of Wheat is about 29.8 million hectares. Productivity of wheat was merely 663 kg per hectare during 1950-51 which gradually increased to 2602 kg/hectare in 2004-05 and 3140 kg/hectare in 2011-12. The major production states of wheat are Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Higher area coverage is reported from Madhya Pradesh in recent years. Indian wheat is largely a soft/medium hard, medium protein, white bread wheat.

Growing Zones and Production of Wheat

  1. What are the Wheat Growing Zones in India?

The entire wheat growing areas of the India has been categorized into 6 major zones. Production-wise details, names of zones and states are listed as follows.

Name of Zones States & Regions Approx Area
North Western Plains Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi division), Rajasthan (excluding Kota & Udaipur division), Delhi, Tarai region of Uttarakhand, Una & Paonta valley of Himachal, Jammu, Samba & Kathua districts of J&K and Chandigarh. 11.55 million ha
Northern Hilly Zone Hilly areas of Jammu & Kashmir (except Jammu, Kathua and Samba districts), Himachal Pradesh (except Una & Paonta valley), Uttarakhand (excluding Tarai region) and Sikkim 0.8 million ha
North Eastern Plains 28 districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha and NE states (except Sikkim) 10.5 million ha
Central Zone Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chattisgarh, Kota & Udaipur division of Rajasthan and Jhansi division of Uttar Pradesh 5.2 million ha
Southern Hilly Zone Nilgiris & Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu 0.1 million ha
Peninsular Zone Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu (except Nilgiris & Palani Hills), Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh 1.6 million ha
  1. Which are the Top 10 Wheat Growing States in India?

According to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture (Govt of India), the state Uttar Pradesh stands on first in wheat production in India. Check-out the table to view the top ten wheat-producing states of India. Data is based on the FY 2014-2015.

S.No. Name of State Wheat Produced (in Thousand tonnes)
10. Himachal Pradesh 721 (Th.tonnes)
9. West Bengal 950 (Th.tonnes)
8. Maharashtra 1236 (Th.tonnes)
7. Gujarat 3220 (Th.tonnes)
6. Bihar 4049 (Th.tonnes)
5. Rajasthan 9869 (Th.tonnes)
4. Haryana 11856 (Th.tonnes)
3. Madhya Pradesh 14182 (Th.tonnes)
2. Punjab 15783 (Th.tonnes)
1. Uttar Pradesh 25220 (Th.tonnes)
  1. Wheat Production in World — The Top 10 Countries

According to FAOSTAT, China is the first in production of wheat, followed by India, Russia, and other nations. Check-out the table to view the world’s top ten wheat-producing countries.

Sr.No. Country Production Value (Appx.)
10. Germany 24,481,600 Tonnes
9. Ukraine 26,208,980 Tonnes
8. Pakistan 26,674,000 Tonnes
7. Canada 29,984,200 Tonnes
6. Australia 31,818,744 Tonnes
5. France 36,924,938 Tonnes
4. United States of America 47,370,880 Tonnes
3. Russian Federation 85,863,132 Tonnes
2. India 98,510,000 Tonnes
1. China 134,340,630 Tonnes

Climate Requirements for Wheat Production

What are the Ideal Climate Requirements for Wheat Production?
Wheat, being generally a rabi (winter season) crop, has wide adaptability. It can be grown in tropical and sub-tropical zones, as well as in the temperate zone and the cold tracts of the far north of the world. Wheat can be cultivated from sea level to as high as 3300 meters. The best wheat is produced in areas favored with cool, moist weather during the growing period followed by dry, warm weather to enable the grain to ripen properly. The optimum temperature range for ideal germination is 20° to 25° C. The seeds can germinate in the temperature range 3.5° to 35° C. Rains just after sowing encourage seedling blight. Areas with a warm and damp climate are not suitable for the wheat production.

Management of Fertilizer and Soil for Wheat Production

What are the Best Practices of Management of Fertilizer and Soil for Wheat Production?
Wheat is grown in a variety of soils in India. Soils with a clay loam, good structure, neutral in its reaction, and moderate water holding capacity are ideal for the cultivation of grain. Wheat can be grown on lighter soils provided their are having improved water and nutrient holding capacity as well as in heavy soil with good drainage under dry conditions. Heavy soils with poor structure and poor drainage are not suitable for the cultivation of wheat. 120 kg nitrogen (varies up to 180 kg N/ha), 60 kg phosphorus and 30 kg potash per hectare are required for optimum productivity.

Varieties of Wheat

List of the Varieties of Wheat: Wheat is produced in several varieties. Following are general varieties notified during the last 30 years of production. Check the table showing the varieties of wheat name-wise and maturity period-wise.

Crop Name Maturity Period Variety Name
Wheat (Gehon) Less than 30 Days CO-W2, DBW-107, DBW-110, DBW-88, DBW-90, Godavari (NIDW-295), HD-2967, HD-3059, HD-3090, K-1006, K-402, K0607, Kaushambi (HW-2045), KRL-210, MACS-6478, MP-3288 (JW-3288), Narendra-5054 , Nilgiri Khapli (HW-1098), PDW-274 (Durum), Pusa Anmol (HI-8737), Pusa Gautami (HD-3086), PUSA Gautami (HI-3086), Pusa Kiran (HS-542), Pusa Vatsala (HD-3118), RSP-561, Shiata-W6 (AAI-W6), Shresth (HD-2687), VL-804, WH-1124, WH-1124, WH-1142, WH-542, WHD-948
Wheat (Gehon) Between 30 and 45 Days VL-804
Wheat (Gehon) Between 45 and 60 Days VL-804
Wheat (Gehon) Between 60 and 75 Days VL-804, DL-784-3
Wheat (Gehon) Between 75 and 100 Days GW-173, Pusa Wheat-105(HD-2833), RAJ-4083, VL-804, WH-416
Wheat (Gehon) Between 100 and 125 Days Aditya(HD-2781), AKW-1071(Purna), Amrita(HI-1500), DBW-16, DBW-39, DBW-71, DDK-1025, DDK-1029, DL-803(Kanchan), DWR-162, Ganga(DDK-1009), Ganga(HD-2643), Gomti(K-9465), GW-190, GW-366, Harshita(HI-1531), HD-3090(Pusa Amulya), HP-1761, JW-3288, K-8962, K-9644, KRL-213, MACS-2971, MACS-6222, MACS-2846, Malav Shakti(HI-8498), Malava Ratna(HD-4672), Malviya-468(HUW-468), MP-3336(JW-3336), MPO(JW)1215(MPO-1215), Narendra-2036, Narendra-1012, Netravati(NIAW-1415), PBW-596, Poshan(HI-8663), Purna(HI-1544), Pusa Prachi(HI-1563), Pusa-111(HD-2932), RAJ-3765, RAJ-4120, Rajeshwari(HP-1744), Sonali(HP-1633), Tapovan(NIAW-917), UAS-304, UAS-415, UAS-428, Urja(HP-2664), Vidisha(DL-788-2), Vijay(DDK-1001), VL-804, WH-1021
Wheat (Gehon) Between 125 and 150 Days Amar(HW-2004), DPW 621-50(PBW-621 & DBW-50), HI-8627(Malav Kirti), HP-1493, K-88, MACS-2496, MP(JW)-3173, Narendra-4018 (NW-4018), PBW-343, Pusa Gautami(HD-3086), UP-2338, VL-804, Vlgehun-892, WH 1105, WHD-943
Wheat (Gehon) Between 150 and 180 Days VL-Gehun-907(VL-907), VL-Gehun-719, VL-Gehun-738 (VL-738), VL-804, WH-1080, WH-533
Wheat (Gehon) More than 180 Days Aradhana(HPW-42), HPW-155(Onkar), HPW-251, HS-277, HS-295, HS-365, Pusa Suketi(HS-507), Shalimar-1 (SKW-196), VL-Gehun-832
Latest GK Questions on Agriculture

Wheat General Knowledge Quiz for SSC, UPSC, Railway, Bank Competitive Exams. Wheat agriculture general study about wheat production in India and world. Detailed general knowledge questions and answers of climate, harvesting, soil preparation and production of Wheat grain. Wheat GK Cultivation in India.